
Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to Replace Rear Main Seal On 2007 Ford Taurus?

The instructions are similar for 2006 and 2007 ford Taurus Car models.

Rear Main Seal
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Details are as follows :---
Refer the details and diagrams :---

Removal & Installation

3.0L Engines
3.0L (VIN S) Engine
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
  2. Remove the negative battery cable, transaxle and flexplate.
  3. Using the tools illustrated, remove the crankshaft rear oil seal and discard. 

    Fig. Using the tools illustrated, remove the crankshaft rear oil seal-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
To install:

Clean all sealing surfaces with metal surface cleaner. Lubricate the crankshaft rear oil seal lips with clean engine oil.

  1. Using the tools illustrated, install the crankshaft rear oil seal. 

    Fig. Using the tools illustrated, install the crankshaft rear oil seal-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
  2. Install the flexplate and tighten the bolts to 549 ft. lbs. (80 Nm)
  3. Install the transaxle.
  4. Connect the negative battery cable.
  5. Run the engine and check for leaks.
3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
  2. Remove the negative battery cable, transaxle and flexplate.
  3. Use a sharp awl and punch a hole into the rear main seal metal surface between the seal lip and the cylinder block.
  4. Screw the threaded end of Jet Plug Remover 310-005 into the seal. Use the Jet Plug Remover to remove the rear main seal.

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Jet Plug Remover 310-005-3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
To install:
Click image to see an enlarged view
Fig. Rear Seal Replacer 303-323-3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
  1. Position the rear oil seal on Rear Seal Replacer 303-323. Position the tool and seal on the rear of the engine. Tighten the bolts alternately to seat the rear main oil seal.
  2. Install the flexplate and tighten the bolts to 54-64 ft. lbs. (73-87 Nm).
  3. Install the transaxle and the negative battery cable.
  4. Check all fluid levels and fill as needed.
  5. Start the engine and check for leaks.

This will help.



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