
Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to Replace Exhaust Manifold On 2007 Ford Taurus?

The instructions are similar for 2006 and 2007 ford Taurus Car models.

Exhaust Manifold
Details are as follows.

Refer the instructions and diagrams shown below:----

3.0L Engine
VIN S Engine
Left Side
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
  2. Remove the coolant tube bracket bolt.
  3. Disconnect and unclip the Heated Oxygen (HO 2 S) sensor electrical connector from the coolant tube.
  4. Remove the dual converter Y-pipe.
  5. Remove the front splash shield.
  6. Remove the coolant tube lower bracket bolt.
  7. Remove the nuts and the exhaust manifold.
  8. Discard the gasket.
To install:
  1. Installation is the reverse of removal. Tighten the manifold bolts in the sequence illustrated to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm). 

    Fig. Left exhaust manifold tightening sequence-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
Right Side
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
  2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  3. Remove the wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft.
  4. Remove the air cleaner outlet pipe.
  5. Remove the three retaining screws and the right hand cowl top inner panel.
  6. Remove the two retaining nuts and position the vacuum outlet manifold assembly aside.
  7. Unseat the windshield wiper motor wiring harness grommet. Pull the wiring harness through the grommet.
  8. Disconnect the cowl drain tube, remove the three retaining screws and the left hand cowl top inner panel.
  9. Disconnect the differential pressure feedback Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) sensor and the Heated Oxygen (HO 2 S) sensor electrical connectors.
  10. Remove the differential pressure feedback EGR sensor tube and bracket as follows:
    1. Detach the electrical connector pin-type retainer.
    2. Remove the bolts from the differential pressure feedback EGR bracket.
    3. Disconnect and remove the differential pressure feedback EGR and bracket from the vacuum tubes.
  11. Remove the rear support brace.
  12. Remove the steering gear heat shield.
  13. Remove the EGR tube.
  14. Remove the dual converter Y-pipe.
  15. Remove the nuts in the sequence shown and remove the exhaust manifold.
  16. Discard the gasket. 

    Fig. Right exhaust manifold loosening sequence-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
To install:
  1. Position a new gasket and install the exhaust manifold nuts in the sequence shown. Tighten to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm). 

    Fig. Right exhaust manifold tightening sequence-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
  2. Install the dual converter Y-pipe.
  3. Install the EGR tube.
  4. Install the steering gear heat shield.
  5. Install the rear support brace. Position the rear support brace and tighten the retainers to 35 ft. lbs. (47 Nm).
  6. Install the differential pressure feedback EGR valve sensor and bracket.
  7. Attach the HO 2 S electrical connector.
  8. Connect the differential pressure feedback EGR sensor and the HO 2 S electrical connectors
  9. Connect the negative battery cable.
VIN U & 2 Engines
Left Side
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
  2. Remove or disconnect the following:

    Negative battery cable
    Heated Oxygen (HO 2 S) sensor connector
    Oil dipstick tube
    Power steering pressure line
    Secondary air injection tube, if equipped
    Dual converter Y-pipe
    Exhaust manifold

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Left side Heated Oxygen (HO2S) sensor connector-3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
To install:
Click image to see an enlarged view
Fig. Left exhaust manifold torque sequence-3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
  1. Install the exhaust manifold with a new gasket. Tighten the bolts in sequence as follows:
    1. Step 1: 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm)
    2. Step 2: 16 ft. lbs. (22 Nm)
  2. Install or connect the following:

    Dual converter Y-pipe and tighten the bolts to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm)
    Secondary air injection tube, if equipped
    Power steering pressure line
    Oil dipstick tube
    HO 2 S sensor connector
    Negative battery cable
  3. Start the engine and check for leaks.
Right Side
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
  2. Remove or disconnect the following:

    Negative battery cable
    Cowl vent screen and extension
    Heated Oxygen (HO 2 S) sensor connector
    Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) tube
    Exhaust manifold heat shield
    Catalytic converter
    Exhaust manifold

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Right side Heated Oxygen (HO2S) sensor connector-3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
To install:
Click image to see an enlarged view
Fig. Right exhaust manifold torque sequence-3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
  1. Install the exhaust manifold with a new gasket. Tighten the bolts in sequence as follows:
    1. Step 1: 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm)
    2. Step 2: 16 ft. lbs. (22 Nm)
  2. Install or connect the following:

    Catalytic converter and tighten the bolts to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm)
    Exhaust manifold heat shield and tighten the bolts to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm)
    EGR tube
    HO 2 S sensor connector
    Cowl vent screen and extension
    Negative battery cable
  3. Start the engine and check for leaks.

This details will help.

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