The instructions are similar for 2006 and 2007 ford Taurus Car models.
Ford Taurus Engine
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Details are as follows :----
3.0L (VIN S) Engine
3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engines
Car repair guide?
Ford Taurus Engine
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Details are as follows :----
3.0L (VIN S) Engine
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Drain the engine oil.
- Drain the cooling system.
- Recover the A/C refrigerant.
- Remove the air cleaner and air cleaner outlet pipe.
- Remove the cowl vent screen and cowl extension.
- Remove the halfshafts.
- Remove the pinch bolt and slide the coupling off the steering gear input shaft.
- Remove the ground strap bolt.
- Loosen the bolt and disconnect the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) electrical connector.
- Disconnect the Evaporative Emission (EVAP) system hoses.
- Remove the pin-type retainers and the accelerator cable splash shield.
- Disconnect the accelerator cable and the cruise control cable.
- Detach the cables from the bracket.
- Disconnect the Transaxle Range (TR) sensor electrical connector.
- Remove the nut and unclip the shifter cable from the bracket.
- Loosen the bolt and disconnect the harness connector.
- Disconnect the low pressure A/C tube spring lock coupling at the accumulator/drier.
- Remove the heater hose bracket nut.
- Disconnect the heater hoses.
- Remove the heater hose bracket nut.
- Disconnect the coolant recovery bottle hose.
- Remove the nut and disconnect the starter motor ground cable.
- Disconnect the upper radiator hose.
- Disconnect the power steering fluid hose from the reservoir.
- Remove the two left hand exhaust manifold-to-pipe nuts.
- Remove the front splash shield.
- Remove the inner fender splash shields.
- Remove the starter cable cover.
- Remove the nut and disconnect the cable from the starter.
- Remove the stabilizer bar end link nuts.
- Remove the tie-rod end cotter pin and nut.
- Using the tool 211-001, separate the tie-rod end from the knuckle.
- Remove the right hand exhaust manifold-to-pipe bolts.
- Remove the nuts and the dual converter Y-pipe.
- Disconnect the power steering and transaxle hoses from the cooler.
- Disconnect the transaxle cooler hose.
- Remove the nut and disconnect the A/C high pressure line at the condenser.
- Remove four bolts and remove the radiator support bracket.
- Disconnect the lower radiator hose and the reservoir supply hose.
- If equipped, disconnect the engine block heater electrical connector.
- If equipped, unclip the engine block heater harness.
- Remove the torque converter inspection cover.
NOTEIndex the flexplate and torque converter by marking one stud. - Remove the four torque converter-to-flexplate nuts.
- Using the dolly support tool 104-00765, support the subframe.
- Remove the four subframe bolts and lower the subframe engine/transaxle assembly.
- Remove the coolant tube lower mounting bolt.
- Remove the coolant tube mounting bolt and position the tube away from the cylinder head.
- Remove the engine support brace.
- Install lift eye tools 303-050.
- Using the lift eye tools and a suitable engine hoist, support the engine and transaxle at the cylinder heads.
- Disconnect the power steering pressure tube and remove the clamp bolt.
- Remove the left hand engine mount-to-frame nut.
- Remove the right hand engine mount-to-frame nut.
- Remove the engine bracket-to-transaxle bolts.
- Remove the bolts and separate the engine from transaxle.
- Remove the oil pan, if necessary.
To install:
The studs from the torque converter must align with the engine flexplate holes to assemble the engine/transaxle. Install the indexed stud to the indexed hole in the flexplate.
- Using the lift hooks and a suitable engine hoist, support the engine and assemble with the transaxle.
- Install the five engine-to-transaxle bolts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Install the right and left engine mount nut and tighten to 66 ft. lbs. (90 Nm).
- Using the tool 211-D027, install new seals on the power steering hose fitting.
- Connect the power steering pressure line and install the clamp bolt.
- Install the engine support brace and tighten the bolts as illustrated.
- Position the coolant tube to the head and install the coolant tube mounting bolt.
- Install the coolant tube lower mounting bolt.
- Using the dolly, raise the engine/transaxle assembly into the vehicle and loosely install the four subframe bolts.
- Align the subframe with the body. Install a 0.75 inch (19 mm) rod into the front left and right hand subframe-to-body alignment hole.
- Hand-tighten the bolts.
- Verify the subframe-to-body alignment at both of the alignment holes.
- Tighten the four subframe bolts to 76 ft. lbs. (103 Nm).
NOTEClean and degrease all sealing surfaces with metal surface cleaner. The oil pan must be installed and the bolts tightened within four minutes of the sealant application. - Apply a 0.4 inch (10 mm) dot of silicone gasket and sealant to the front cover-to-cylinder block mating surface.
Fig. Apply a 0.4 inch (10 mm) dot of silicone gasket and sealant to the front cover-to-cylinder block mating surface-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
- Install a new gasket, position the oil pan and loosely install the bolts and the studs in the sequence illustrated.
- Install the oil pan to transaxle housing bolts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Tighten the oil pan bolts and studs in sequence to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm).
- Position the engine-to-transaxle bracket and install the nuts and the bolt. Tighten the bolts to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm) and the nuts to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
- Install the four torque converter-to-flexplate nuts and tighten to 27 ft. lbs. (37 Nm).
- Install the torque converter inspection cover.
- Clip the engine block heater harness to the engine block.
- If equipped, connect the engine block heater electrical connector.
- If equipped, connect the lower radiator hose and reservoir supply hose.
- Install the radiator support bracket and bolts.
- Connect the A/C high pressure tube to the condenser and install the nut.
- Connect the transaxle cooler hose.
- Connect the power steering and transaxle hoses to the cooler.
- Position the dual converter Y-pipe and install the nuts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Install the right hand exhaust manifold-to-pipe bolts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Connect the tie-rod ends and tighten the nuts to 41 ft. lbs. (55 Nm). Install new cotter pins.
- Install the sway bar end link nuts and tighten to 41 ft. lbs. (55 Nm).
- Position the starter cable and install the nut.
- Install the starter cable cover.
- Install the inner fender splash shield.
- Install the front splash shield.
- Install the two left hand exhaust manifold-to-pipe nuts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Connect the power steering fluid hose to the reservoir.
- Connect the upper radiator hose.
- Position the starter motor ground cable and tighten the nut to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm).
- Connect the coolant recovery bottle hose.
- Connect the heater hoses.
- Install the heater hose bracket nut.
- Connect the low pressure A/C tube spring lock coupling at the accumulator/drier.
- Connect the harness and tighten the bolt.
- Clip the shifter cable to the bracket and install the nut.
- Connect the TR sensor electrical connector.
- Install the accelerator and cruise control cables in the bracket.
- Connect the cables and the throttle return spring.
- Install the accelerator cable splash shield.
- Connect the EVAP system hoses.
- Connect the PCM electrical connector and tighten the bolt to 53 inch lbs. (6 Nm).
- Position the ground strap and install the bolt.
- Install the steering shaft pinch bolt and tighten to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm).
- Install the halfshafts.
- Install the cowl vent screen.
- Install the air cleaner and the air cleaner outlet pipe.
- Evacuate, leak test, and charge the A/C system using approved equipment.
- Fill and bleed the cooling system.
- Fill and bleed the power steering system.
- Fill the engine with clean engine oil.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Drain the engine oil.
- Drain the cooling system.
- Recover the A/C refrigerant.
- Remove the battery.
- Remove the cowl vent screen and cowl extension.
- Remove the halfshafts.
- Remove the nuts and position the steering column input shaft coupling boot aside.
- Remove the pinch bolt and slide the coupling off the steering gear input shaft.
- Disconnect the tubes, loosen the clamps and remove the air cleaner outlet pipe.
- Remove the pin-type retainers and the snow shield.
- Disconnect the accelerator cable, speed control actuator cable and the throttle return spring from the throttle body.
- Remove the bolts and position the accelerator cable bracket aside.
- Disconnect the vacuum hose and the Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) return tube.
- Remove the nut and disconnect the manual control lever cable.
- Disconnect the manual control lever cable from the bracket and position aside.
- Loosen the bolt and disconnect the 42-pin and Transmission Range (TR) sensor electrical connectors.
- Disconnect the upper radiator hose and the heater hose from the thermostat housing.
- Remove the nut and disconnect the ground strap electrical connector.
- Disconnect the power steering return hose.
- Disconnect the alternator electrical connectors and position the wire harness aside.
- Disconnect the A/C suction tube from the accumulator drier.
- Disconnect the fuel supply hose.
- Disconnect the degas bottle hoses.
- Remove the nut, the bolt and the engine roll restrictor brace.
- Remove the bolts and the engine roll restrictor.
- Disconnect the heater hose.
- Remove the bolt and disconnect the ground electrical connectors.
- Disconnect the EVAP canister purge valve electrical connector.
- Loosen the bolt disconnect the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) electrical connector.
NOTESupport the exhaust with mechanic's wire. - Remove the nuts and disconnect the three-way catalytic converter from the dual converter Y-pipe.
- Remove the nuts and the muffler clamp.
- Separate and remove the three-way catalytic converter from the muffler pipe.
- Remove the nut and disconnect the A/C discharge tube.
- Remove the radiator support bracket.
- Disconnect the lower radiator hose from the radiator and degas bottle supply hose.
- Disconnect the transmission oil cooler hose.
- If equipped, disconnect the wire harness electrical connector.
- Disconnect the auxiliary oil cooler assembly.
- Disconnect the transmission oil cooler hose, if equipped.
- Disconnect the power steering return hose.
- Remove the oil pan drain plug and drain the engine oil. Install the drain plug when finished and torque to 10 ft. lbs. (13 Nm).
- Remove the starter motor.
- Remove the bolt and the engine inspection cover.
- Remove the four torque converter nuts.
- Remove the nuts and disconnect both stabilizer links from the stabilizer bar.
- Remove the nuts and separate both tie-rod ends from the steering knuckles.
- Position engine dolly/support tool 014-00765.
- Remove the four front subframe-to-body bolts.
- Using the engine dolly/support tool 014-00765, lower the powertrain and subframe assembly out of the vehicle.
- Remove the nut and detach the Power Steering Pressure (PSP) line bracket.
- Remove the nut and detach the PSP line bracket.
- Disconnect the PSP line from the power steering pump.
- Disconnect the spark plug wires.
- Disconnect the ignition coil electrical connector.
- Disconnect the Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor electrical connector and position the wire harness aside.
- Disconnect the Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) sensor electrical connector.
- Disconnect the transaxle harness electrical connector and position the wire harness aside.
- Remove the bolt, the nuts and the right hand catalytic converter heat shield.
- Install lifting eye tool 303-D030 to the left and right side of the engine.
- Attach a hoist to the lifting hooks and support the engine.
- Remove the two right hand engine support insulator-to-transmission bolts.
- Remove the left hand engine support insulator-to-subframe nut.
- Remove the right hand engine support insulator through bolt.
- Disconnect the catalyst monitor sensor electrical connector.
- Remove the bolts and the Y-pipe.
- Disconnect the lower radiator hose from the coolant pump.
- Remove the five transmission-to-engine bolts and one stud bolt.
- Separate the engine from the transmission.
To install:
- Position the engine on the subframe and transmission assembly.
- Install the transmission-to-engine bolts and tighten to 37 ft. lbs. (50 Nm).
- Connect the lower radiator hose to the coolant pump.
- Install the right hand engine support insulator through bolt and tighten to 89 ft. lbs. (120 Nm).
- Install the dual converter Y-pipe and the bolts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Connect the catalyst monitor sensor electrical connector.
- Install the left hand engine support insulator-to-subframe nut and tighten to 66 ft. lbs. (90 Nm).
- Install the two right hand engine support insulator-to-transmission bolts and tighten to 44 ft. lbs. (60 Nm).
- Using the lifting eyes, secure the engine to the hoist.
- Install the right hand catalytic converter heat shield and install the two nuts.
- Position the ground strap and install the bolt and tighten to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Position the 42-pin connector on the bracket and connect the transaxle harness electrical connector.
- Connect the TSS sensor electrical connector.
- Connect the OSS electrical connector.
- Install the ignition coil and the bolts.
- Connect the ignition coil electrical connector.
- Connect the spark plug wires to the ignition coil.
- Connect the PSP tube to the power steering pump and tighten to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm).
- Install the PSP tube bracket and the nut and tighten to 20 ft. lbs. (27 Nm).
- Using the dolly/support tool, raise the engine, transmission and subframe into the vehicle.
- Install the four front subframe-to-body bolts and tighten to 76 ft. lbs. (103 Nm).
- Connect the tie-rod ends to the steering knuckles. Install the nuts and tighten to 41 ft. lbs. (55 Nm) and install new cotter pins.
- Connect the stabilizer links to the stabilizer bar and tighten to 41 ft. lbs. (55 Nm).
- Install the four torque converter nuts and tighten to 27 ft. lbs. (36 Nm).
- Install the engine rear plate.
- Install the starter motor.
- Connect the auxiliary oil cooler assembly.
- If equipped, connect the transmission oil cooler hose.
- Connect the power steering return hose.
- If equipped, connect the wiring harness electrical connector.
- Connect the transmission oil cooler hose.
- Connect the lower radiator hose to the radiator and the degas bottle supply hose.
- Install the radiator support bracket.
NOTEReplace and lubricate the O-ring with PAG oil. - Connect the A/C discharge tube and tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
- Install a new gasket into the Y-pipe flange.
- Connect the three-way converter to the dual converter Y-pipe and the muffler pipe and install the nuts and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Install the exhaust clamp and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
- Connect the PCM electrical connector.
- Connect the EVAP canister purge valve electrical connector.
- Connect the ground electrical connectors and install the bolt and tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
- Connect the heater water hose.
- Install the engine roll restrictor and the bolts and tighten to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm).
- Install the engine roll restrictor brace and the nut and bolt and tighten to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm).
- Connect the hoses to the degas bottle.
- Connect the fuel tube spring lock coupling.
- Connect the A/C suction tube to the accumulator drier.
- Connect the alternator electrical connections.
- Connect the power steering return hose.
- Connect the ground strap electrical connector. and tighten to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm).
- Connect the upper radiator hose and heater hose to the thermostat housing.
- Connect the TR sensor and the 42-pin electrical connectors.
- Install the manual control lever cable in the bracket.
- Connect the manual control lever cable to the manual control lever and install the nut and tighten to 13 ft. lbs. (17 Nm).
- Connect the vacuum hose and the EVAP return tube.
- Position the accelerator cable and bracket and install the bolts and tighten to 13 ft. lbs. (17 Nm).
- Connect the accelerator cable, speed control cable and throttle return spring.
- Install the snow shield.
- Position the air cleaner outlet pipe, connect the tubes and tighten the clamps.
- Connect the steering column to the steering gear input shaft and install the bolt and tighten to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm).
- Position the steering column input shaft coupling boot and install the nuts.
- Install the halfshafts.
- Install the cowl extension and cowl vent screen.
- Install the battery and connect the negative battery cable.
- Fill the engine with clean engine oil.
- Fill and bleed the engine cooling system.
- Charge the A/C system using approved equipment.
- Fill and bleed the power steering system.
- Start the vehicle and inspect the engine and cooling system for leaks.
This will help.
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