
Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to replace Power steering Pump on 2007 Ford Taurus?

The instructions are similar for 2006 and 2007 ford Taurus Car models.

The details to replace Power Steering Pump are as follows :----

Removal & Installation
3.0L (VIN U, 2) ENGINE

3.0L (VIN S) Engine

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Remove the accessory drive belt.
  3. Drain and remove the radiator coolant recovery reservoir.
  4. Position a drain pan under the power steering pump. Disconnect the power steering pump reservoir hose and allow it to drain.
  5. Using Pulley Remover T69L-10300-B, or equivalent, remove the pulley from the power steering pump shaft .
  6. Disconnect the left turn pressure hose from the power steering pump and allow it to drain.
  7. Remove the power steering pump retaining bolts and the pump. 

    Fig. Power steering system-3.0L (VIN S)
To install:
  1. Install the power steering pump and tighten bolts to 15-22 ft. lbs. (20-30 Nm).
  2. Connect the left turn pressure hose and secure clamp.
  3. Using a Steering Pump Pulley Replacer T65P-3A733-C, or equivalent, install the power steering pump pulley: the pulley face must be flush with the pump shaft or within 0.010 inch (0.25mm).
  4. Fill the power steering reservoir with power steering fluid. Connect the negative battery cable.
  5. Start the engine and check for leaks and proper operation. Bleed the power steering system if needed.

3.0L (VIN U, 2) Engine

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Remove the accessory drive belt.
  3. Remove the alternator.
  4. Drain and remove the radiator coolant recovery reservoir.
  5. Position a drain pan under the power steering pump underneath the vehicle. Disconnect the hydraulic pressure and return lines and allow to drain.
  6. Remove the idler pulley from the power steering pump support.
  7. Remove the bracket mounting bolt located under the belt tensioner mounting.
  8. Remove 2 retaining nuts from the bracket mounting studs. Remove both mounting studs, and pull off the power steering pump support with the pump attached.
  9. Clamp the pump support bracket in a suitable vise.
  10. Remove the power steering pump pulley from the pump shaft using Pump Pulley Remover T69L-10300-B, or equivalent. Remove the 3 bolts retaining the power steering pump to the power steering pump support and remove the power steering pump.

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Power steering system-3.0L (VIN U, 2)

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. A few special tools are required to remove and install the pulley on the power steering pump
To install:
  1. Install the power steering pump to the power steering pump support.
  2. Install the power steering pump pulley using Steering Pump Pulley Replacer T65P-3A733-C, or equivalent; the pulley face must be flush within 0.010 inch (0.25mm) of the pump shaft.
  3. Install the power steering pump/pump support and torque nuts/bolt to 17-24 ft. lbs. (23-32 Nm).
  4. Complete the installation by reversing the removal procedure.
  5. Fill the power steering reservoir with power steering fluid.
  6. Connect the negative battery cable.
  7. Run the engine and check for leaks and proper operation. Bleed the power steering system if needed.

This details will help.



Car repair guide?


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