The instructions are similar for 2006 and 2007 ford Taurus Car models.
Oil Pump
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Details are as follows :---
Follow the instructions with details and diagrams :---
3.0L Engine
VIN S Engine
VIN S Engine
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
- Remove the oil pan.
- Remove the nut, bolts and the oil pump screen and pick-up tube.
- Remove and inspect the O-ring seal.
- Remove the pump bolts in the sequence shown and remove the oil pump.
Fig. Oil pump loosening sequence-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
To install:
- Position the oil pump and install the bolts in the sequence shown. Tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
- Install a new O-ring seal.
- Install the oil pump screen and pick-up tube. Tighten the nut in two steps:
- Step 1: Tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
- Step 2: Tighten an additional 45 degrees.
- Install the oil pan.
Fig. Oil pump tightening sequence-3.0L (VIN S) Engine
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.
- Remove the oil pan.
- Remove the bolts and the oil pump.
- Clean all the sealing surfaces.
To install:
- Installation is the reverse of removal, tighten the oil pump bolts to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm).
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