
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rear Strut Assembly Removal for 1994 to 2000 Acura?

Strut Assembly:

The details are as follows :----

REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Integra, 2.2CL, 2.3CL, 2.5TL, 3.0CL AND 3.2TL

See Figures 1 and 2
Click image to see an enlarged view
Fig. Fig. 1: After pulling the fork bolt out, pull the lower control arm down and out of the way

Click image to see an enlarged view
Fig. Fig. 2: Once all bolts are removed, pull the strut from the vehicle

The strut contains pressurized nitrogen gas. Drill a 5/64" (2.0mm) hole at the base of the strut, before disposing of it. Always wear eye protection when drilling.

  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle and remove the rear wheels.
  2. On Integra, remove the rear seat, as follows:
    1. Remove the lower cushion bolt located under the armrest.
    2. Pull the rear of the lower cushion up and lift it forward to release it from the clips.
    3. Pull down the trunk bulkhead trim and release the armrest lid clips.
    4. Remove the three bolts from the back cushion, then lift it up and forward to disengage the securing hooks.
  3. On the Integra, remove the flange bolt that connects the lower arm to the trailing arm.
  4. Place a floor jack under the lower arm and slightly compress the spring.
  5. Remove the upper mounting nuts and the lower flange bolt.
  6. Lower the jack to remove the strut. Be sure and mark the right and left struts so they can be reinstalled on the proper sides.
To install:
  1. Install the struts into the vehicle. Loosely install the mounting nuts and mounting bolt, but do not tighten them until the weight of the vehicle is on the suspension.
  2. Raise the rear suspension with a floor jack until the weight of the vehicle is on the strut. Tighten the upper mounting nuts to 28 ft. lbs. (39 Nm), then tighten the lower mounting bolts to 40 ft. lbs. (55 Nm). Be careful not to pinch the ABS speed sensor wire between the strut and bracket.
  3. On the Integra, raise the rear suspension and install the bolt connecting the lower arm to the trailing arm.
  4. Install the rear wheels and lower the vehicle.
  5. Install the rear seat cushions.
  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle and remove the rear wheels.
  2. Remove the trunk side panel.
  3. Remove the trim cover, then remove the upper mount nuts.
  4. Remove the wheel sensor wire brackets but do not disconnect the wheel sensor connector.
  5. Remove the lower shock absorber mounting bolt.
  6. Lower the rear suspension and remove the shock absorber assembly from the vehicle.
To install:
  1. Lower the rear suspension and position the strut assembly in the vehicle. The nut welded to the lower strut mounting should face the front of the vehicle.
  2. Loosely install the upper mounting nuts.
  3. Install the shock absorber lower mounting bolt.
  4. Raise the vehicle until the vehicle just lifts off the safety stand and tighten the lower strut bolt and lower control arm bolt. Tighten the lower shock absorber mounting bolt to 76 ft. lbs. (103 Nm).
  5. Install the wheel sensor wire bracket on cars with ABS.
  6. Tighten the upper mounting nuts to 36 ft. lbs. (49 Nm).
  7. Install the rear wheels, then lower the vehicle.
  8. Install the trunk side panel.
  9. Have the vehicle's alignment checked and adjusted, if necessary.
Vigor and Legend
  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle and remove the rear wheels.
  2. Remove the rear speaker and the damper assembly cap.
  3. Place a floor jack under the lower arm and slightly compress the spring.
  4. Remove the upper mounting nuts and the lower mounting bolt.
  5. Lower the jack to remove the strut (damper) unit from the vehicle.
  6. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure. Loosely install the mounting nuts and bolt and lower the vehicle onto the wheels to torque them. Tighten the upper mounting nuts to 28 ft. lbs. (39 Nm) and the lower mounting bolt to 40 ft. lbs. (55 Nm) on Vigor, 76 ft. lbs. (105 Nm) on Legend.
  1. Remove the strut (damper) unit from the vehicles. Make sure to note the spring seat and bracket positions for reassembly.
  2. Install the damper into a suitable spring compressor and tighten the compressor according to manufacturer's instructions.

Do not compress the spring any more than necessary.

  1. Remove the locking nut from the top of the shock absorber and disassemble the damper and spring as required.
To install:
  1. Reassemble the spring and strut assembly. Tighten the strut self-locking nut to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm).
  2. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to properly position the spring seat and brackets.

This details will help.

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